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In the role of Simon Boccanegra in both premiere days Nikola Mijailovic and Kiril Manolov presented all possible nuances of their conquering talent and moved the numerous audience with the tragedy and the dramatical dimensions of the character, presented by them. The loud and enthusiastic applauses of the grateful audience after the finale of both premiere performances were a wonderful apotheosis of the new season of the Sofia Opera and Ballet, with which our first opera theatre again and again declared its big ambition to present before the thankful Bulgarian and foreign audience the best of the Bulgarian and the world opera classic.

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25 November 2018www.operasofia.bgVenelin TOMOV

Another very impressive role was the High Priest of Dagon sung by Nikola Mijailovic. Who is this man?! How come that we don't get to see him more often? Brilliantly dark baritone uses his voice to portray a mean character, and not by making too many parasitic "I am evil" gestures. Big bravo to him too!

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