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La Cenerentola Rossini

Intro showreel


The Three Little Pigs Opera (A family opera with music by Mozart)

Past Production Videos

Fuenteovejuna, Jorge Muñiz
D: Miguel del Arco
C: Santiago Serrate
The three Little Pigs, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
D: Raúl Vázquez
C: José García Gutiérrez
Les contes d'Hoffmann (The Tales of Hoffmann), Jacques Offenbach
D: Raúl Vázquez
C: Rubén Díez
El gato montés (The Wild Cat), Manuel Penella
D: Raúl Vázquez
C: Oliver Díaz
La sonnambula (The Sleepwalker), Vincenzo Bellini
D: Raúl Vázquez
C: Leonardo Sini
Les contes d'Hoffmann (The Tales of Hoffmann), Jacques Offenbach
D: Raúl Vázquez
C: Rubén Díez

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